Skughofey Foundation
There are many opportunities for sponsorship through Skughofey Foundation Sponsorship of Skughofey event(s) – many of them in California and achieving significant attention – is an efficient, effective, and creative means of reaching marketing objectives and goals.
Sponsorship of Skughofey Foundation program(s) – in social services, health services, employment and training, or supportive living – helps make these programs possible while providing linkage to targeted segments of the entertainment and performing arts community and those involved in them.
Skughofey Foundation and program(s) are well known for their quality, creativity, integrity, and impact. To learn more about the specifics of sponsorship, please read from the following:
Events Sponsorship
Program Sponsorship
Taxable Sponsorship
Goods & Services Sponsorship
Giving by Mail
Current Supporters
Services and Programs
Skughofey Foundation offers a broad spectrum of programs including comprehensive social services, health care services, employment and training and housing.
The Skughofey Foundation is a nonprofit, nationwide youth services organization providing programs that support at risk youth, the unique, essential needs of all who work in entertainment and the performing arts - on stage or camera and behind the scenes. Skughofey assists those working in theater, film, television, radio, music, dance, opera and circus. Skughofey is a safety net, offering quality services for and individual attention to communities, giving all a responsive place to turn in times of need or crisis.
Administered through our offices in California, Oregon and Tennessee, these programs help people solve problems and make positive changes in their lives.
All Skughofey Foundation services are completely confidential. Eligibility varies by program.
Partner Programs Administered by Skughofey Foundation
Skughofey Foundation contracts with entertainment industry unions, health plans, employers and other organizations to provide member/employee assistance services designed to meet their specific needs.
Through Skughofey Service Program(s) members are provided a broad range of help with personal and work related problems. Skughofey Foundation provides individual, family and group counseling, crisis intervention, 24/7 emergency hotline, assessment and referral services, linkage to community and government resources, wellness programs, financial planning and the management of financial aid programs.
Event Sponsorship
The many events of Skughofey Foundation are acclaimed by industry talent and those “in the know” in the entertainment community. Our benefit performances in California and other States in USA and our Annual Universal Music & Conference Festival to close to two dozen renowned Special Performances each year, (each show does an added performance annually for the benefit of Skughofey Foundation) our events are a tremendous way to:
Support your marketing objectives.
Reach a high quality demographic.
Get the attention of the arts and performance community.
Gain major benefits.
Link to events that are acclaimed by the critics and public alike.
Goods and Services
In-kind products and pro-bono services are also a significant contribution to Skughofey Foundation. Every year individuals, small businesses and corporations donate their time and expertise, as well as their product to enable Skughofey Foundation to serve its clients in ways that are above and beyond monetary support. Items in frequent need are:
Advertising Placements
Catering Services
Creative Services (brochure and poster design etc.)
Event Spaces
Printing Services
Product Samples (i.e., items for event gift bags)
Raffle Items (e.g., gift certificates to a store or restaurant)
Whatever your company's nature, an in-kind donation is often an efficient and easy way to help out Skughofey Foundation. In-kind donations are tax-deductible.
Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions about matching gift programs and how to include Skughofey Foundation in your company's list of beneficiary agencies.
Bequests and Planned Giving
There are many ways to be a Skughofey Foundation partner through participation in our To Giving program.
Since individual circumstances vary, please consult your attorney or estate planning specialist. We will be pleased to answer questions and offer suggestions confidentially based on your personal circumstances.
For specific information on these opportunities, please choose one blow:
Gift Annuities
Tributes & Memorials
Wills and Bequests
Donations of royalties or residuals to Skughofey Foundation are not uncommon. Many notable professionals have made similar gifts.
Using funds from a retirement account to make bequests is often a good strategy. If there is a balance in your retirement account at your death, not only is there a potential income tax burden, but there may be estate taxes as well. Estimates are that taxes could eat up as much as 70-75% of retirement assets under certain circumstances. Careful planning concerning retirement funds needs to be done. Some additional information regarding retirement assets is available.
Another option to consider in making a gift is to use life insurance policies that are no longer needed or necessary. There are some different ways to make a gift of life insurance.
A bequest for the benefit of Skughofey Foundation can be included in the body of your will or added by a codicil. To name Skughofey Foundation as the beneficiary, you should use its legal name: Skughofey Foundation. You also may describe a specific purpose for the use of your bequest. Bequests may be made to Skughofey Foundation in several ways:
1. Residuary Bequest
You may state that all or a portion of your estate be given to Skughofey Foundation after specific amounts are distributed to other beneficiaries.
2. Specific Bequest
You may stipulate that a certain percentage of your estate, a certain dollar amount, or particular securities or other assets such as royalties or residuals be given to Skughofey Foundation. Often bequests include gifts of appreciated assets.
3. Contingent Bequest
You may direct that your assets be distributed to Skughofey Foundation only if your primary heirs do not survive you.
Gift Annuities
What is a Gift Annuity?
The gift annuity is an agreement between you and Skughofey Foundation under which you give a specific sum of cash or securities or other property (valued at $5,000 or more) and, in return, are guaranteed a fixed annual income for life. The transfer is part gift and part purchase of an annuity.
You may include a second beneficiary (such as your spouse) in the gift annuity agreement. Should the second beneficiary survive you, Skughofey Foundation will continue to make the payments for the life of the second beneficiary.
The amount you will receive annually for life (and that for your survivor beneficiary, if any) is determined at the inception of the agreement and is based on your age and how much you give.
Tributes & Memorials
Honor a Loved One
Do you want to honor the life or memory of someone special to you? A gift to Skughofey Foundation in their name is a wonderful tribute.
“In Honor of” Gifts
Whether it’s for an opening night, a birthday, an anniversary or a holiday, a gift to Skughofey Foundation in their honor is a great way to show your love and respect. You’ll feel great about helping entertainment professionals in need.
A gift to Skughofey Foundation is an incredibly meaningful way to honor a loved one’s memory.
Recognition of Your Tribute
“In Honor Of” and “In Memory Of” will be listed in the Tributes section of our Annual Report. We will also send a special letter notifying the person being honored of your tribute or notifying the family of the deceased. The amount of your donation is not revealed. Your contribution helps further our work.
When you make a memorial donation of $2,500 to Skughofey Foundation, your generous donation will be forever listed in the Tributes Section of our Annual Report and on our Web site.
Skughofey Foundation
501 (c)(3) non-profit organization.
Tax identification number: 32-0634926
Please make checks payable to
Skughofey Foundation
Mail to: Skughofey Foundation
PO Box 92178 Pasadena, CA 91109
For further information, call Mr. Earl 800-434-7671
Contributions over and above the value of good and services provided ($50) are tax-deductible