Skughofey Foundation
If your desire is to partner with Skughofey Foundation, to ensure that Skughofey Foundation, continues to provides world-class premier community work, music education and outreach programs that provides for an ongoing series of projects for developing a wide range of emerging talent within the community. It provides for rising talent to demonstrate their abilities for the recording and film industry and to the community in a positive way to underserved in Urban America consider joining the Skughofey Foundation Youth Circle.
This distinguished group is comprised of individual(s) and corporation(s) who want a closer relationship with Skughofey Foundation. As a Skughofey Foundation Giving Circle, supporter(s) enjoy an array of customized recognition benefits as well as invitations to exclusive all Skughofey Brands & Skughofey Foundation event(s).
Join the Giving Circles
Families come to us for compassion, support and hope – and it takes the support of our generous donors to make that possible. With the help of your 2025 Partner Benefit Gift, we deliver transformative programs and to support communities in need.
Acknowledgement on the Friends plaque
Acknowledgement on the Skughofey Brands
Website and a Skughofey Foundation T-shirt
Friend benefits above plus:
Autographed Item
Patron benefits above plus:
Preferred seating at selected Skughofey event(s)
Benefactor benefits above plus:
Recognition on printed programs for signature Event(s)
Acknowledgement (logo) as a Vinyl Partner on
Skughofey Brands website for 1 year
Invitations to special dinners, programs and open Rehearsal(s)
Priority seating and parking at all Skughofey Foundation event(s)
Invitation to annual Partners reception
Autographed Skughofey Foundation T-shirt
Vinyl benefits above plus:
Acknowledgement (large logo) as a Silver
Partner on Skughofey Brands website for 1 year
One-eighth page ad and acknowledgement in event(s) program of the Signature Partner event of your choice.
Silver benefits above plus:
Small banner ad as a Gold Partner on Skughofey Brands website with link for 1 year
One fourth page ad and acknowledgement in the Event(s) program of the Signature Partner choice
1 student scholarship (one year) in your name, with any of our music academy partners in Los Angeles, VIP parking, seating & Complimentary
Tickets to selected Skughofey event(s)
Signage (upon approval) at the Signature partner event of your choice
Opportunity for Designated Representative involvement at the Signature Partner event of your choice .
Gold benefits plus:
Medium web banner as a Platinum Partner on
Skughofey Brands website with link for 1 year
Half page ad and acknowledgement as underwriting Partner in the programs of your selected two signature partner event(s)
2 student scholarships for one year each in your name, with any of our music academy partners in Los Angeles
Exclusive VIP seating and parking at all event(s) presented by Skughofey Brands
Premium Sponsor Titling and 6 tickets for “Signature” event(s) of your choice
Platinum benefits above plus:
Large banner ad in prime location on Skughofey Brands website with link for 1 year
Acknowledged as Legendary Partner in all Skughofey Brands printed materials Acknowledged prominently as Legendary Partner in all media related materials (press releases, media advisory, etc.)
Full page ad and acknowledgement as underwriting Partner in the programs of two selected “Signature” Event(s)
Partner recognition in Skughofey Foundation lobby for 1 year
4 year student scholarships in your name, with any of our music academy partners in Los Angeles
10 VIP tickets to our “Signature” event(s) of your choice
Exclusive dinner for 10 with Skughofey Production hottest artists, including photo opportunity with artist at select event(s)
A Future Starts Now!
Believing is a Start! Doing what you Believe is the way…
Skughofey Foundation
501 (c)(3) non-profit organization.
Tax identification number: 32-0634926
Please make checks payable to
Skughofey Foundation
Mail to: Skughofey Foundation
PO Box 92178 Pasadena, CA 91109
For further information, call Mr. Earl 800-434-7671
Contributions over and above the value of good and services provided ($50) are tax-deductible