TV/Radio/Print Ads:

(as space permits and/or media sponsors allow)

“My Circle” Promotions:

Access to my personal event/artist promotion team.   (Artists/club/street/event promote team)

Invitation Portfolio (Full Page)

Your company has a full page to give a Company   Background or Summary or an entry of your choice to be viewed by the “elite special guest”.

Web Promotions (Fully Loaded):





Personal Web Pages

Email Blasts

Venue Web Page Promotion

Venue Promotions

Flyer & Ticket Headline:

Supreme Squad & [Your Company Name] Presents: Skughofey Events ….

Headlines flyers and tickets.


Back Drop (Logo):

Logo patterned sequentially onto the Back Drop for:

Front Door Entry Photography

Pictures will be posted on countless Web Pages

Video Package:

Personal Cameos

Celebrity Shout Outs

Crowd Shout Outs

Credits Recognition

Banner Shots (if provided)

Banner (if provided):

Video Cameo shots for Promotion

Hung on stage

Tickets (Logo):

Logo will be placed on Pre-Sale Tickets and Final Sale Tickets

Web Promotions (Standard):

Flyer (Logo):

  Logo placed on bottom of flyer.

Sponsor Now

Skughofey Foundation
501 (c)(3) non-profit organization.
Tax identification number: 32-0634926

Please make checks payable to

Skughofey Foundation 

Mail to: Skughofey Foundation

PO Box 92178 Pasadena, CA 91109

For further information, call Mr. Earl  800-434-7671

Contributions over and above the value of good and services provided ($50) are tax-deductible