Skughofey Production
Talent Development
Interview skills, speaking abilities, and on camera presence
Actors Martial Artists Actresses Master of Ceremonies Animal Actors Models Athletes Musicians Bands Reporters Casting Spokespersons Child Actors Stunt Performers Child Actresses Teen Actors Choreographers Teen Actresses Comedians Voiceover Actors Dancers Voiceover Actresses DJ’s Writers Hosts Magicians
Talent Management Agency
For someone in the spotlight, it can be hard to adjust to press and media. How do you walk a red carpet? How do you handle controversial questions? What do you do with live streams? How do you stop saying the word "um"? We have talent development experts who can help you with your interview skills, speaking abilities, and on camera techniques! Are you on the other side of the interview asking the questions? Here at Skughofey Production, we can help you too! Let us help you be ready for whatever comes your way!
Talent Development: What to expect
Stop a moment and think about the most valuable commodity that your company owns. Is it gear like cameras or lights? Or might it be the scripts you’ve acquired that are locked up in a safe waiting for the next development deal? None of these are your greatest asset or strength. They most valuable thing in anyone’s company is their human capital, their talent. It’s not great companies or corporations that come up with breakthrough ideas – it’s individuals that do. When you’ve got the right people doing the right things, and the engines are firing on all cylinders – that’s when the magic happens. Is the talent in your company motivated? Do they offer to go the extra mile or work those long nights or weekends when needed? Does the leadership in your company have the right skill sets and tools to identify the top talent in your company, nurture them and bring out the best? If your workforces are not working together in a way that is bringing shared goals into reality, then it’s time to take a look at what can be done.
Too often we focus on a single skill – like acting, singing, stunts or sound design. But the reality of it is that those individuals that have those well-crafted skills are most likely arriving at that point by having developed the entire individual. If you have strong leaders, motivated talent and a shared vision, there’s nothing that your company can’t accomplish. If you don’t have this today, imagine what your company or organization would be like – not to mention the return on investments that you’d see as well.
Here’s how we can help
By bringing together the development of the whole person, plus team building, we are able to get your company on the path to success and effectiveness. Our customized approach will ensure that we align with your strategies, as well as the most current industry trends and opportunities.
Business & Talent Management and employee development is a “whole person” concept that can energize your organization. The benefits of strong leaders and motivated employees accrue over time and contribute to the creation of a strong, sustainable and high performing culture. What if you could have leadership and employee development programs that actually provided a return on your investment and impacted your operations in positive and profitable ways? Our processes are results-oriented – not fluff or rah-rah exercises that leave everyone feeling good but that do not result in real, measurable change.
Our development services are led by experienced instructors and performed at your site. Our processes are highly interactive and use a “learn by doing” strategy so that important concepts and change are understood and executed by all involved.
If you’d like to learn more about how we can deliver talent development services to your company or organization, let’s talk. During our initial consultation, we’ll work to understand your company’s goals and directives, so that our customized plan will deliver the results you’ll be expecting. We’re also happy to discuss other projects and outcomes that we’ve delivered for other clients.
Helping you perform your best when the cameras are on is something we take very seriously. We communicate with honesty to ensure that you and your artist are making the best of their opportunities. Let us help you put your best foot forward. Call us today to schedule a consultation.