Prophet Rogers G. DeCuir
Pastor Rogers G DeCuir was born on July 4th, 1940 in Atlanta, Georgia. His first members consisted of farm animals at his grandmother's house.
Pastor Rogers G DeCuir
Served in the US Army as a rifleman
Earned an AA degree from Citrus College
Entrepreneur starting his own screen business
He initially began his ministry in a theater on Jefferson Blvd in Los Angeles and soon moved to Pasadena, CA in the late 1960 to birth the Holy Deliverance Pentecostal Church.
Services were initially held in one members home
With the growth, the membership would move to a church building on Blake Street
Then to 220 N Michigan where you could find the church overflowing on Sunday mornings
Sunday Night Services would include a "Live" radio broadcast which began at 11pm and people would attend from all over Southern California
The church would eventually move to 740 E Washington later to move to
1141 Lincoln Ave
Pastor Rogers G DeCuir was known for leading people around the world into 12, 10, 8, and 7 days of prayer and fasting without food and water for non believers, the hopeless, abandon, leaders, and men and women of God who know they were called and chosen but were on the verge of forfeiting the plan that God had for their life. He also had a half-way house persuading judges to let him reform the men versus sending them to prison. Early in his ministry, Pastor DeCuir and the church could be found on Orange Grove Blvd near the liquor store sharing "Jesus Saves" witnessing to all.
Thru fasting many were saved, healed, and experienced the undeniable power of God through his ministry
Pastor Decuir was one of the 1st black pastor and churches on television ministry in the Los Angeles area for many years along with Apostle Frederick Price
Prayer and Share Ministries is where people would call for prayer on the radio at KMAX, KPPC, and later KJLH
Though retired from the pulpit, Prophet Rogers G DeCuir ministered nightly and affectionately was referred as the "Facebook Pastor" where hundreds of people all over the globe, as close as Pasadena and as far as Germany, would log in to receive prayer, instructions, wisdom and a prophetic word.
Time would not permit to share his love as a husband and for his children. Often cherishing Holiday dinners, races with his sons, and later cooking competitions.
Prophet Rogers G DeCuir was known as a Faith Giant and would be inducted in the book of Hebrew believing and knowing that through "Now Faith" all things are possible.
Although, Prophet Rogers G DeCuir departed this life on September 29, 2021 his legacy continues to live on thru his children.
We salute Prophet DeCuir as a Husband, Father, General, Pastor, Pioneer, Spiritual Father, Overseer, Teacher, Friend, and Godfather.
Prophet Rogers G DeCuir will always be remembered for his signature of faith, "I Believe God".