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Mr. Brian E. Ware

Event Director / Atrist


Pharaoh Tuht, born Brian Ware, is a Musician/Entertainer for the group Music or Die that is known for his nonchalant attitude and cocky style. Pharaoh was born on February 13th, in Rialto, CA. Growing up fatherless, with his mother having to work all the time, Pharaoh was raised by his elder brothers and grandmother. Pharaoh is a family name, given by his grandmother due to his Egyptian heritage. From birth, Pharaoh spent most of his time in hospital due to the fact his older brother was diagnosed with sickle cell disease. Due to the fact he carried the sickle cell trait himself, Pharaoh was not very active in his early years, which gained him a “nerd” image.


During the year 2012, Pharaoh decided to join the football team at Rialto High in Rialto, CA. That is when Pharaoh shed the nerdy image to become the arrogant individual he is today. While attending high school, Pharaoh met 2 of the Members of MOD, Kotsilla and Kayo. They formed a music group called “The In-Krowd,” where Pharaoh was formally known as “Ashtro.” Four years later, Pharaoh, Kotsilla, and Kayo changed the name from “The in-Krowd” to “Music or Die,” when the fourth member, “Donny Hundo” joined the team. Tragedy struck in 2015, when Pharaoh witnessed the death of his grandmother. At that time, he decided to change his name to “Pharaoh Tuht,” which is the name his Grandmother gave him. In 2016, another tragedy struck when Pharaoh's older brother was murdered at his niece's birthday party. After these tragedies, Pharaoh took his music career to another level, working with artists such as Young Blacc, Bishop Lamont, Buckmouth Beats, Fitz Taylor and various other artists. Pharaoh continued to pursue his entertainment career, which evolved into what it is today.